Tuesday, March 5, 2024

just smile and wave boys, just smile and wave....

that's our new moto.
we are begining to feel like this region of Spain is losing it's luster. We love Europe. But Andalucia......the people are not the most considerate of folks. So, instead of getting all agro when they cut us off, or cut us in line at the store, or give us the *gas face* as we drive by, we are simply going to *smile and wave*. We tried it today, and boy, the reactions were remarkable. Jason and I got a good laugh! it made us feel better. for sure!

Anyhow, we've just been hanging around the casa and settleing in after a busy year of traveling. Here a few pics from the last few days!
lots of trampoline time!

and learning to ride a bike.....without training wheels!!! sorta....and family hikes at the *Reserve Natura* fun times had by all.

what's up with you?


1 comment:

Christy's Closet said...

I love it! You guys should start carrying masks in the car too! It would be hysterical if Richard Nixon starting waving at passing cars.